
Please see below the latest updates from Forth Valley College's Current Consultation. 

3 May 2024

College Consultation Process Launches

Forth Valley College has announced a 30-day consultation process as it works to secure its ongoing financial sustainability.

The College has had no option but to take essential action after indicative funding allocation for 2024/25 means a flat cash settlement and no change to credit (delivery targets) allocation.

Other financial challenges facing the College include the cost of living crisis, removal of the Flexible Workforce Development Fund and Digital Poverty Fund, the withdrawal of four integrated partnership degree programmes and continuing public sector pay negotiations.

Despite significant restructures in the last couple of years, including a consultation process which resulted in £2million in savings last year, senior management have once again had to consider structures in line with current and future business requirements.

Key areas of focus have been reshaping the curriculum, reshaping some corporate services, reducing operational costs and growing non-grant income.  Decisions have been based around the College’s effective forward curriculum planning, new learner analytics, priority business transformation projects and feedback from staff, together with networking intelligence with Scottish Government, and industry and public sector partners.

Staff impacted by the proposed structure changes have been informed and a staff consultation paper has been issued.  A series of Principal’s Briefing have also been scheduled to discuss the situation with staff.

A Voluntary Severance Scheme launched in December 2023 has helped minimised the number of impacted areas and number of staff at risk in the consultation.

The Voluntary Severance Scheme will now also be re-opened for those at risk and staff affected will also have the opportunity to apply for any vacancies as a result of structure changes. 

The consultation process is due to conclude by 3 June 2024.

FVC Principal and Chief Executive Kenny MacInnes, said:

“It is with deep regret that we are undergoing another consultation process. This is not a position we wanted to be in and I recognise how difficult this will be for all those impacted.  Please be assured that we will be doing everything we can to offer support and advice to those involved in the proposed changes.

“Unfortunately, it is simply not possible to deliver our vision and strategy with current structures.  We are in the midst of a challenging external financial environment, and that means it is a worrying time for the College, and College sector a whole.   We’ve had to make some really difficult decisions to ensure the organisation remains financially stable while also considering the impact on students and the services we offer, and ensuring we continue to meet their needs.

“We have made every effort to minimise the impact on staff, however unfortunately, we have been left with no choice but to propose these measures to ensure the financial stability of the College.  Colleges play a vital role in our communities and it’s essential that we ensure the security and long-term future of the organisation.”

Page Updated: Monday 13 May 2024