Mark Milligan

Mark Milligan
Mark Milligan

Mark Milligan (28) from Falkirk is currently studying for a HND Visual Communication.

He said: “I chose Forth Valley College because they had a lot to offer in terms of the broadness of courses you could choose from, which helped narrow down what I wanted to study.

“The facilities are wonderful, and the College has lovely, helpful staff and the lecturers always go the extra mile for their students.

“I really believe the College has helped me grow in confidence, not only in myself, but in the skills I have been learning. I still have one year left to go, but the lecturers already give fantastic pointers about the do’s and don’ts when facing a real life client.

“I really would recommend the course and the College, as I never thought I would go back to education, but it really has been a great experience. I’ve had a great time at the College so far and the best bit for me so far has been the constant support given by the lecturers.

“I would recommend the College to anyone as the help and support from the lecturers and staff are great, and it will help you grow and learn, as well as give you the confidence to do whatever it is you aim to do in life.”