Printmaking - Evening

This course is suitable for absolute beginners and those with a previous interest in Printmaking. There will be opportunities to learn varied approaches to making an Etching as well as a variety of methods to printing the Etching with the use of colour and chine collé.

Do you enjoy creative interaction with others? Come along and Investigate, Explore, Experiment and Enjoy!

This course will encourage you to explore new ideas through process, from sketchbook to the final edition of prints. Starting off with a drawing or an idea and letting it take on its own outcome through the alchemy of etching

You will learn new techniques or revisit previous learning, as we go through the course and develop an understanding we can then use these ideas to manipulate the process and discover how ideas can be developed from initial starting points.

Techniques will be demonstrated, this course is practical, interactive and fun!

A mix of structured learning and creative response!

  • Demonstration and an introduction to process, a brief look into the history of etching.
  • Finding Inspiration, mood boards/ sketchbook, choosing and planning idea.
  • Drawing visually identifying starting points for etching.
  • Learn how a printmaker takes notes through developmental stages and its importance.
  • Plate preparation, learn the correct way to clean and prep your etching plates.
  • Application and an understanding of different etching grounds and approaches.
  • Building of tone with etching times, stopping out and re-etching.
  • Use of aquatint and how to achieve certain techniques.
  • Proof printing through the developmental stages and further plate development.
  • Learn of to add colour, using coloured inks, chine collé or collage to achieve the result you desire.
  • Paper Registration as well as an understanding of the types of printmaking paper.
  • Printing an edition for the final print in a professional manner.
  • Signing an edition, learn the Printmaker’s way to sign, edition and number your prints.

  • Art and Design
  • Printmaking

  • NC Art & Design (if you have the required qualifications or relevant experience)

  • No formal entry requirements

Course places are only secured after payment/funding has been arranged.

As per the College Tuition Fees and Refund Policy, tuition fees are non-refundable except under exceptional circumstances. Refer to our Tuition Fee Refund and Withdrawal Procedure on the College website.

Student Paying

Fees of less than £150 must be paid in full. Payment by instalment is available, provided the course fee is £150 or greater. You can access a direct debit form here.

Instalments must be paid via direct debit over a 4-month period and an initial 30% deposit is required in order to secure your place. You will not be able to apply online if paying by direct debit please contact Evening Admissions -

Employer Paying

If your employer is paying for your tuition fees, an Employers Agreement Form or letter from your employer must be submitted prior to or on enrolment. You can access the Employer Agreement Form here. We ask that you complete the Employer Agreement Form and return via email to


Stirling Campus





Start date

29 August 2024

End date

07 November 2024

Start time


End time


Cost per person



Stirling Campus





Start date

16 January 2025

End date

13 March 2025

Start time


End time


Cost per person
