Benefits of an integrated degree

Forth Valley College offers six innovative integrated degree courses in partnership with three of Scotland’s leading Universities (Stirling, Heriot-Watt, Strathclyde). This novel, integrated approach to learning, meets the needs of future employers by creating ‘work ready’ graduates. Successful applicants – who will spend their first year at least at Forth Valley College - will be recognised as university undergraduate students throughout the entire course and have access to the latest resources at state-of-the-art campuses in the heart of Central Scotland. Find out more about the benefits of an integrated degree with our latest blog post.

Benefits of an integrated degree

Results Day Survival Guide

Results day can be full of emotion and mark a key milestone as you make important decisions in regards to your future.  This applies to both those confident of doing well and also those who are worrying they may not get the results that they want.  However, with a little preparation you can ease some of the pressure on yourself. So whatever your next steps – here’s our exam results survival guide.

Results Day Survival Guide

Helpful advice for parents studying at college

Applying to college is a big step for most people, but even more so for those who have children to care for. There is added pressure for parents to ensure they have enough money to keep a roof over their family’s heads and put food on the table. They also need to arrange for childcare whilst they attend classes and consider what will happen if their child is ill and they need to take time off college. With this in mind, we've answered some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from parents studying at the College.

Helpful advice for parents studying at college

Evening courses put you in control

Are you already dreading another evening of mindless TV or chores? Perhaps you’re fed up of scrolling through your social media news feeds, thinking that everyone else’s lives seem so much more exciting than yours? Or maybe you’re sitting at your desk counting down the minutes until you can clock off whilst also writing a mental list of jobs you would much rather have? If any of these feel familiar, an evening course could be the answer…read our latest post to find out why.

Evening courses put you in control
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