MA Painters and Decorators compete for SAPCT prizes at FVC

MA Painters and Decorators compete for SAPCT prizes at FVC
SAPCT Craft and Advanced Craft Group photo at FVC Workshop 240524

Talented young Modern Apprentice painters and decorators converged on Forth Valley College’s Falkirk Campus on Friday 24 May for one of Scotland’s most prestigious competitions.

The 45th Scottish Association of Painting Craft Teachers (SAPCT) Annual Craft and Advanced Craft competition was held at the College’s state-of-the-art workshops in Falkirk on Friday 24 May.

The eager painters and decorators representing schools, colleges and firms from all across Scotland, had to complete various challenges in the FVC Painting and Decorating facilities.

And three Forth Valley College students acquitted themselves very well, with Harvey Penman (17) from Tullibody and Lauren Burnett (27) from Grangemouth finishing third in the Craft event, and Kara Ashton (20) from Plean, finishing third in the Advanced Craft competition.

Craft winners on the day were:

1st Gemma Hughes and Jacqui Ramsay  – representing employers A. MacNeil Painting and Taping Contractor and The Springfield Group respectively

2nd Polly Cave and Josh Anderson – Dundee and Angus College

3rd Harvey Penman and Lauren Burnett – Forth Valley College

Advanced Craft winners were:

1st Jemma Craig – Fife College

2nd Ross Hood – Fife College

3rd Kara Ashton – Forth Valley College

These photos show all the competitors in a group in the FVC workshop and some of them in action during the hotly contested finals.

Mo Turner, President of the SAPCT, said: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Forth Valley College for their hospitality and for kindly offering to host the competitions. Many thanks to their staff who have donated a lot of time and effort to help make it an amazing venue, and to the Management Committee Members of the SAPCT who have produced excellent test pieces, and secured fantastic sponsorship, goodie bags, and prizes for all competitors and winners.

“This competition allowed apprentices the opportunity to showcase their practical skills, of which I’m sure excellent standards will be produced on the day. I sincerely hope all competitors thoroughly enjoyed the experience.”

Lauren Burnett and Harvey Penman - Craft - Forth Valley College
Polly Cave and Josh Anderson Craft Dundee and Angus College
Shinnade Bain AC - Fife College
Justin Craig and Connor Black - Craft - Glasgow Clyde College
Jessica Crone AC - City Building
Jemma Greig AC - Fife College
Jacqui Ramsay and Gemma Hughes - Craft
Craig Lemon and Sean Paul Reid Craft Glasgow Clyde
Alexander Wards AC - City Building
Alex Neilson and Lewis Band - Craft - Dundee and Angue College