Industrial Action Update

EIS-FELA are currently taking part in strike action as part of an ongoing national dispute. 

Days of action went ahead this week and further planned action is still scheduled to go ahead. 

Further planned days of action are as follows:

  • Monday 3 June
  • Tuesday 4 June
  • Wednesday 5 June
  • Friday 7 June

Arrangements for Days of Action

All campuses will remain open.  Summary of arrangements for the days of action are as follows:

  • All full-time and evening provision will go ahead unless you are advised otherwise. Your department will contact you directly if your classes are cancelled. 
  • Employers are being contacted directly regarding individual arrangements for their apprentices
  • Schools are being contacted directly to advise on classes going ahead or cancelled.
  • Interviews linked to 2024/25 recruitment will go ahead unless otherwise advised
  • Exams will go ahead
  • Commercial training courses will go ahead
  • Learning Resource Centres, refectories and gyms will remain open but may have a limited service
  • Gallery restaurant is currently closed until September 2024 due to essential maintenance
  • Our salons will be closed
  • Measures are being put in place in regards to fire wardens, first aiders and safe guarding

Please note that no students will be disadvantaged in regards to their bursary, childcare or EMA funding as a consequence of the industrial action.  

Additional Information 

All student support teams will continue to be available throughout the period of industrial action.

Key contacts include: 

Support & Guidance Advisors –

Learning Support –

Student Funding –

Student Association –

Evening Enquiries -

Our aim is to minimise the impact on learning and teaching, wherever possible, and continue to deliver the best possible learning experiences for our students whilst a resolution is found for this national dispute. 

We would like to reassure you that our key priority is to ensure you can complete your qualification and move forward onto your next steps. 

If you have any further questions, please contact your Curriculum Manager or Apprenticeship Officer in the first instance.  

Page Updated: Friday 31 May 11.45am